We want to wake up feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed everyday all the time, so that we can show up as our absolute best selves in every area of our lives. That 3PM crash? No thank you! 

One of the most common struggles with hormone health - especially PCOS - is chronic fatigue. Sleep disorders, especially insomnia, and constantly feeling exhausted have been strongly associated with PCOS. The PCOS Awareness Association states that “Fatigue is one of the leading symptoms reported among women with PCOS. Additional causes of fatigue may include an under-active thyroid, low vitamin B12 or vitamin D levels, and anemia (low blood count)” - all common cofactors with PCOS too. 

The struggle is real. I know how it feels to sleep for 8 or 9 hours (an appropriate amount of time!) and wake up like, “Wait, what? Did I even actually go to bed?” If you do too, know that you are not lazy, you do not need to just get up and go, and it’s *not* in your head. 

Did you know that that 3PM afternoon crash is probably because you’re on a blood sugar rollercoaster that’s regulated by hormones? And that, since your sleep cycle is also regulated by your hormones, it interferes with going to bed at night? I know, I know. So what exactly are we supposed to do?

These are a few tips to increase and maintain your energy naturally: 

  • Prioritize a protein-focused breakfast to help slow down blood sugar spikes, maintain insulin levels, and avoid the afternoon crash. 

  • Get outside! Regular sun exposure supports a healthy circadian rhythm to help us feel awake when we need to be and sleepy when it’s time for bed (don’t forget SPF!). 

  • Optimize your sleep environment. As dark, cold, and quiet as you can possibly get it. 

  • When the clock hits 12pm, switch to non-caffeinated bevs like herbal tea or kombucha. Even if we don’t think “caffeine affects us” it disrupts our sleep no matter what!

  • Exercise daily. Whether it’s a gentle walk or an intense HIIT workout, daily movement supports balanced hormones that actually regulate our hunger and sleep.  

Whether or not you struggle with PCOS - anyone can apply the tactics in this list and benefit from more vibrancy, energy, and vitality! And isn’t that what we all want!? 

x, Caroline


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