It’s Not Just in Your Head: It’s In Your Gut

When I became a holistic health coach and throughout my own healing journey, there have been so many things I’ve learned to be true about the mind-body connection. One of them is this: Listen to your gut is a saying for a reason. 

We are learning more and more every day about the myriad of ways our digestive health impacts our physical and emotional lives. Our gut (aka our microbiome) is a true marker of health. It tells us a lot! From how we absorb the nutrients in our food, to the vitality of our immune system, and our reaction to stress - it’s all incredibly connected. It’s said that our gut is our second brain - and even has more nerve endings than anywhere else in the body - so when we have that sinking feeling in our stomach, that sensation is not playing tricks on us. It’s real! It also works the other way around. Poor gut health can lead to anxiety, depression, and changes in mood or energy.

We all have “good” gut bacteria that help our digestion along steadily, and some “bad” gut bacteria that can be problematic when it’s overgrown. People with PCOS often have a significant gut imbalance of good and bad bacteria, which may be at the root cause of many PCOS-related symptoms like irregular menstrual cycles, anxiety, persistent nausea, intense bloating, acne, or weight gain. Problems with our ability to properly digest are usually to blame (at least partially). We think we’re eating super healthy, but we are only as healthy as the food that we can digest.

If you’re struggling with poor digestion, it can feel like an uphill, never-ending battle. You’ve tried everything, you’re nauseous or bloated or constipated or all three at the same time, and your pain has been dismissed over and over again by the people in your life. It just is the way it is, and no one else really seems to get it. “It’s just in your head,” right?

Except, it isn’t. I promise you, you don’t have to feel like that every day. You do not have to wake up tied to the bathroom or feel sick every time you nourish your body. Book a complimentary consultation so we can discover the root cause of your symptoms and actually heal them for the long-term through a mind-body approach. 

x, Caroline


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